SOMA was one of the very first AshWebStudio clients – before we were even AshWebStudio. In its first iteration, we custom designed a unique-looking website that had the “grunge” style the bands this venue showcased. We also worked with them at the time to custom develop a ticketing system from scratch, called Lunatiks, so the venue didn’t have to pay commission fees to other ticket companies available at the time like Ticketmaster.
The original website and ticketing system served them well for 15+ years! Then, in 2019, they came back to us to help with a redesign to help freshen things up. Most of their customers access the website on their phone so having a fast, easy-to-use site on mobile was critical. This iteration brought them up to date with a modern site using WordPress but still maintaining that original, unique design style of their local music venue. They have full control to easily add new shows and events they host along with other graphical elements to help promote them. Their new partnership with other Southern California venues meant moving to another ticketing system and Lunatiks was gracefully retired.