When it comes to SEO, many of our clients don’t know what it takes to rank well. There are a ton of factors that Google uses to determine how it ranks websites from the content on your page to links from other websites to yours. The algorithm Google uses is always changing, almost weekly. So how can you maintain a quality SEO campaign if things are always different from week to week? By following the advice I have been giving to clients for years: Make a website that has quality content which Google will think is a great resource for their users.
In a recent NY Times article, Matt Cutts (the public face of the Google Search team to us in the industry), said, “One piece of advice I give to S.E.O. masters is, don’t chase after Google’s algorithm, chase after your best interpretation of what users want, because that’s what Google’s chasing after.” This is essentially the same thing I have been telling clients. Just validation that our SEO strategy is in line with Google.