Do I need a mobile version of my site?

A lot of the online interaction is moving to mobile devices like your phone. With this big mobile push recently, some of our clients are asking us about creating a mobile version of their website. So, do you need a mobile version for your site? As with most things the answer is, “it depends.” The […]

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Contact Forms: What To Ask For

For many small business websites, a form of contact is the ultimate goal. You want someone contacting you about your services. When we design our websites, we keep this important idea at the top of our design criteria – we want to make sure every user can easily contact the business from any page of […]

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Understanding Your Audience

One of the most important questions we ask ourselves with every website we design is: Who are the people that will be coming to this website? For some clients it is business executives trying to find the right company to help them with a certain aspect of their own business. Some websites have a specific […]

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