What Will Come After Google?

Teenagers might not remember, but those of us who’ve been around for a while will: there was a time when we used tools like AltaVista and Netscape to search the web. This was in the era before Google, of course, but it’s a reminder that all dominant technology services are eventually replaced. So, what might […]

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Browser Wars: Chrome takes second place

The browser wars are a big deal for us web designers and developers. They determine what we can and can’t do with the websites we create. It is an accepted fact that Internet Explorer has stunted the speed at which we can push the limits of what is possible on the web. There are still […]

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Hourly rates mean (next to) nothing in web design

We get a lot of requests from people asking us to quote with an hourly rate. Sometimes they insist we only give them an hourly rate. We’re told this is so they can compare pricing from multiple companies. The problem with this is just because one company has a lower hourly rate doesn’t mean they […]

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