When W3Techs recently announced their “Technologies of the Year,” it was no surprise that WordPress was honored alongside Google, Amazon, and a host of other innovative systems. After all, this was the seventh time in a row WordPress has been chosen as the leading Content Management System (CMS).
That’s because industry insiders know what we do – that WordPress is a great platform for building new websites. There’s a reason more than a quarter of all the sites in the world are currently running on it, with the percentage climbing every year.
Here at AshWebStudio, we work almost exclusively in WordPress. As a free, open source content management system, it gives us everything we could want for ourselves and our clients. To help you understand why, here are seven reasons you’ll love it on your site…
#1 WordPress is Versatile
You can build almost any kind of website with WordPress, from a simple blog to a fully-functional online store. From local service providers to international brands, it’s a platform that can accommodate any size organization without much need for adjustment.
#2 WordPress is Expandable
With a community that includes tens of millions of users, and thousands of developers, WordPress has a constantly-growing library of plug-ins. That means no matter what kind of functionality you’re looking for, someone has probably developed a tool that can be added to your site immediately.
#3 WordPress is Search and Social Friendly
WordPress is easy for Google search engine spiders to crawl, and can be integrated directly with social media accounts and feeds. So, whether you want to reach customers from your site, have them arrive via search engines, or reach out through your favorite social channels, it’s a snap.
#4 WordPress is Stable
Unlike some other content management systems, WordPress is known to be incredibly stable and offers very few security risks (as long as you stay updated and use proper password best practices). If you’re looking for a content management system you don’t have to worry about, WordPress is the perfect choice.
#5 WordPress Can Work With Mobile Browsers
More than half of all web traffic originates from smartphones and tablets. Luckily, WordPress gives theme developers the ability to completely customize and control the layout of the website to meet modern design needs. This means your pages and content can display cleanly no matter what size screen your customer is using.
#6 WordPress is Popular
You probably remember your parents telling you that what’s popular isn’t always right, but in this case there are huge advantages to using a CMS that is well-known. The huge development community behind WordPress has a vested interest in keeping it safe and growing, so you don’t have to worry about it going out of date.
#7 WordPress is User-Friendly
This is an underrated feature, and an area where WordPress really shines. Eventually, your website is going to need updates and improvements. With such a straightforward content management system to work with, you can alter pages on your own without the help of a professional design team. That saves you time and money, month after month.
No matter what kind of website you want to build, there’s a good chance WordPress can handle the job perfectly. Contact our creative team today to learn how we can put the world’s best and most versatile CMS to work for you!